Commercial management system for your team to be
more productive and efficient.

The TagPlus is an online commercial management system, which has made organization and efficiency
become routine within more than 60 thousand companies, from different sectors

What do you need to take this step?

15 days to test the TagPlus online trading system
without having to pay absolutely anything.
Icone de Rolagem da página Icone de rolagem por touch

Does your company face any of the problems below?

Icone Cash Control Problems

Cash Control Problems

Cash flow numbers do not reflect the financial reality of your business. Many times, your company ends up losing money and you don't even know about it.

Icone Problems in Stock Control

Problems in Stock Control

Often, products that your customers want are missing and you end up losing sales to your competitors, in addition to making it difficult to identify theft of goods, generating losses for your business.

Icone Problems with Storing <br>Information

Problems with Storing

As informações e os documentos do seu negócio ficam soltos em papéis que são perdidos a todo momento, colocando
a sua empresa totalmente à deriva.

Icone relatório a direita

This complete lack of control is killing your
productivity, irritating your customers and generating losses
for your company company RIGHT NOW.

TagPlus is the online commercial management system
that your company needs!

The TagPlus system integrates all your company's data into a single platform, very easy to use.

Icone One system

One system

You will no longer need to switch between different solutions. With the TagPlus commercial system, all the tools needed to manage your company will be on a single online platform.

Icone Easy to use

Easy to use

The TagPlus online management system is intuitive and easy to use. You will quickly become familiar with all the functions that will help you manage your business. Furthermore, you can always count on our support, who will be ready to help you.

Icone Very safe

Very safe

All your business information will be safe on our servers, so you won't have to worry about it being lost or stolen.

Icone Access from anywhere

Access from anywhere

The TagPlus management system is completely online, so you can manage your business from anywhere with internet access.

Icone relatório a direita

With TagPlus commercial management system, your company is organized, your data is secure, the information you need is always available and your business ready to grow.

But, to continue growing...
your business needs to modernize and have a complete commercial system.

With TagPlus online management system, you will no longer need
worry about disorganization and you will have free time
to do what you do best: sell more!

15 days to test the
system without having to pay
absolutely anything.

Technical Support
the great difference of TagPlus

Our technical support has a team of 75 experts, who will always be ready to assist you with whatever you need.

This is the great diference of the TagPlus commercial system: technical support that will assist you from the full implementation of your business to any help requested.

Equipe de suporte tecnico
95% of our customers rated
TagPlus Technical Support as
Great or Excellent in the last year.

TagPlus is the online management system for micro and
small companies, adaptable to all segments.

The TagPlus management system has already helped more than 60 thousand companies of different types of
to leverage their productivity and to reduce your costs.

Icone Food


Icone Beauty and Aesthetics

Beauty and Aesthetics

Icone Construction


Icone Home and Decoration

Home and Decoration

Icone Moda e Vestuário

Moda e Vestuário

Icone Fashion and Clothing

Fashion and Clothing

Foto do cliente Fernando Cecilio

Imagem de aspas With the use of the TagPlus system I gained more control,
I improved the company's numbers! A partnership that came to add value.

Fernando Cecílio

Buriti Corretora

How about if your company is the next to
have results like this?

15 days to test the
TagPlus online commercial management system without having to pay absolutely anything.

Discover the main features
of the TagPlus online management system.

Created exclusively for micro and small companies,
the TagPlus commercial management system will bring more agility and
to everyday life of your business.

  • Stock
  • Sales
  • Financials
  • Bills
  • PDV

Stock Control

Managing your stock is completely simplified.

Register your products, the quantity of items and, with each sale, have your always updated stock so you know how many units you have and the right time to order new materials.


Carry out your simple or fiscal sales, using the POS (Point of Sale) or directly from the system, in the Simple Sales menu. Register your product as a Grade or Kit, separating them by categories: color or size (ex: S, M, L. Yellow, Red, Blue).


With TagPlus it is possible to issue invoices from different banks, simply indicating the billing details. Just remember to talk to your account manager so that he or she can allow you to receive funds via invoice.

Controle Financeiro

With TagPlus it is possible to issue invoices from different banks, simply indicating the billing details. Just remember to talk to your account manager so that he or she can allow you to receive funds via invoice.


With TagPlus, issuing is very quick, all you need to do is fill in the invoice data, upload the taxation data with the help of the system itself and send the invoice.



Stock Sales Financials Bills PDV
  • Stock Icone de seta para baixo


    Managing your stock is completely simplified.

    Register your products, the quantity of items and, with each sale, have your always updated stock so you know how many units you have and the right time to order new materials.


    Imagem de aspas I have been a customer (user) of the TAG PLUS system since 2010 and I am very satisfied with the system user interface and the system gives me many interesting reports, which help me a lot in the company decision making 👍



    Estrela Uniformes

  • Sales Icone de seta para baixo


    Carry out your simple or fiscal sales, using the POS (Point of Sale) or directly from the system, in the Simple Sales menu. Register your product as a Grade or Kit, separating them by categories: color or size (ex: S, M, L. Yellow, Red, Blue).


    Imagem de aspas My name is Matheus, I am the owner of the company Primmori. I was looking for a complete system that fit my company budget, and I found Tagplus, an easy-to-use, complete system, an excellent system, I recommend it

    Matheus Primmori

    Matheus Primmori


  • Financials Icone de seta para baixo


    With TagPlus it is possible to issue invoices from different banks, simply indicating the billing details. Just remember to talk to your account manager so that he or she can allow you to receive funds via invoice.


    Imagem de aspas My name is Fernando Cecílio. Using the TagPlus system, I gained more control and improved the compan ynumbers! A partnership that came to add value.

    Fernando Cecílio

    Fernando Cecílio

    Buriti Corretora

  • Bills Icone de seta para baixo


    With TagPlus it is possible to issue invoices from different banks, simply indicating the billing details. Just remember to talk to your account manager so that he or she can allow you to receive funds via invoice.


    Imagem de aspas My name is Fernando Cecílio. Using the TagPlus system, I gained more control and improved the company's numbers! A partnership that came to add value.

    Fernando Cecílio

    Fernando Cecílio

    Buriti Corretora

  • PDV Icone de seta para baixo


    With TagPlus, issuing is very quick, all you need to do is fill in the invoice data, upload the taxation data with the help of the system itself and send the invoice.


    Imagem de aspas TagPlus was the facilitator for my company! Thanks to the system, I was able to better visualize my company's results, I was able to better plan my future and be more organized, I was able to understand which products sold the most, I increased my average ticket, and brought more convenience to my employees

    Geovana Queiroz

    Geovana Queiroz

    Bendita Flor

Imagem de aspas I have been a customer (user) of the TAG PLUS system since 2010 and I am very satisfied with the system user interface and the system gives me many interesting reports, which help me a lot in the company decision making 👍



Estrela Uniformes

Imagem de aspas My name is Matheus, I am the owner of the company Primmori. I was looking for a complete system that fit my companybudget, and I found Tagplus, an easy-to-use, complete system, an excellent system, I recommend it

Matheus Primmori

Matheus Primmori


Imagem de aspas My name is Fernando Cecílio. Using the TagPlus system, I gained more control and improved the company numbers! A partnership that came to add value.

Fernando Cecílio

Fernando Cecílio

Buriti Corretora

Imagem de aspas We have been using tagplus resources for a few years and have always been met with our sales and management needs. Complete platform and best of all, online, which makes controlling the entire company remotely much easier!

Raquel Ferreira

Raquel Ferreira


Imagem de aspas TagPlus was the facilitator for my company! Thanks to the system, I was able to better visualize my company results, I was able to better plan my future and be more organized, I was able to understand which products sold the most, I increased my average ticket, and brought more convenience to my employees

Geovana Queiroz

Geovana Queiroz

Bendita Flor

Imagem de aspas We are a family micro-company that produces ceramic objects by hand. We serve notable restaurants, great architects and incredible clients. The Tagplus System has brought a lot of organization to the company and is allowing us to see our business with much more transparency, in addition to streamlining all commercial processes.

Daniel Romeiro

Daniel Romeiro

O Ateliê de Cerâmica

Imagem de aspas After starting to use the Tag Plus management system, we streamlined our internal processes, eliminating the use of spreadsheets and record reliability, in addition to increasing our productivity. Other points are the facilities for a quick view of the entire process and issuing reports for both presentation and analysis and decision-making.

Fábio dias de Sá

Fábio dias de Sá

Help Tech

Answers to questions you may be asking yourself about the TagPlus management system

Our representatives will be happy to answer them,
but to make your life easier, we've listed here some of the most common questions we receive.

  • There is a space limit; number of invoice issued; products or customers? Icone de seta para baixo

    No! The TagPlus system does not have any type of limitation except the number of registered users. In the case of the Basic and Complete plan, where only one user can be registered, it is still possible to access the system from several computers at the same time, as long as it is with the same user

  • What payment methods are accepted? Icone de seta para baixo

    Subscriptions can be paid by redit Card (MasterCard and Visa).

  • Can I cancel my subscription at any time? Icone de seta para baixo

    Yes of course! Our cancellation policy is very simple. Simply inform us that you no longer wish to enjoy the benefits offered by TagPlus and we will cancel the subscription charge. No bureaucracy or boring questionnaires.

  • How does subscription billing work? Icone de seta para baixo

    Your subscription payment can be monthly or annually. By opting for annual payment, you will have a discount on the subscription price.

  • When will the first charge be made? Icone de seta para baixo

    All of our plans have a 15-day trial period. During this period you will not be charged any fees. At the end of the 15 days, you will be able to choose one of our plans and, at that time, you will pay the cost of installing the system (same as the monthly fee).

Each day without the TagPlus online management system corresponds to hours lost to inefficiency and disorganization in your business.

Get ahead of your competitors andtake back control over your company's productivity. Let the TagPlus commercial system do the trick all the boring work for you!

Try it for free! 15 days to test the TagPlus online commercial management system
without having to pay absolutely anything.

Talk with our team on Whatsapp